Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Gowri Ganesha Festival to all!

Then in our Hostel, we used to keep Ganesha with us for 11 days and then with bursting crackers and shoutings slogans for Ganesha, we used to say "Meet U next year"!!!

The days are not the same anymore.I donot know if I will be able to attend the festival in Future as life gets busy! I miss all the pomp, glory and of course the tasty food of the famous Gowri Ganesha Festival.

So here I am to wish each and everyone a very happy festival and may Lord Ganesha bring joy and prosperity to his devotees!


  1. Wishing you a happy GANESHA CHATHURTHI as well.....though there are seven seas that separate you and your motherland...its the spirit within you that matters!! So, celebration time!

  2. @Raksha Raman: U r right! Spirit should be alive. Jai Ganesha:-)

  3. I had OPD on the festival day. But other two interns did duty and I got off. :-)
