Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How can I give off my Doll...

In this post, I am not speaking of a small child or a doll. Here I would like to discuss when the bridge between two loved ones is to be diverted i.e., when the love gets shared. It may be when a daughter is married and she is off from her dad's hand, it may be when son runs behind his own family & responsibilities forgetting his parents or when a third person enters into a relationship. I know this is a very common thing that happens in everybody's life. Its a requirement for a generation to enter into their future and life to move on. It has happened in the past and shall keep happening in future. Whatever we are living at present, was lived in the past and will be lived in the future. The basic sense of life remains where it is.

When the path which is meant for two is about to be taken by three, after some initial frictions, one of them is either pushed off the road or has to step back voluntarily realising oneself. The time when the bond between the former two is invaded by the third is very critical and brings about a major alteration in the link. There can be a risk of either breaking the link or weakening the link but never to strengthen, so the issue should be dealt with very carefully. It is the responsibility of the person who has stepped back to try to keep the link alive. I recently saw a movie "Aakasamanta" which deals with the Father-Daughter relation. The movie is "Naanum Abhiyum" in Tamil and I think that the same movie is going to be directed in Kannada by Prakash Raj by the name "Naanu Nanna Kanasu". Though the movie had nothing new in it, the way it was presented is simply pleasant. The rifts are to be solved and not to be made larger. It is the duty of the more mature person to guide the rest towards their better future. How it is taken, is very subjective. One who has truly wished for your good never ever wishes bad for you whatever may happen, somewhere in the corner of mind, remains a well wisher.
The initial outburst of emotions when a relation is about to change varies stupendously. It may come out in bitter silence or words, but its always the fear of losing the "precious" that dominates. Its just like giving away the doll for which you have cared for most of your life. You can call it EGO or you can call it POSSESSIVENESS. He/she never wants to give off his/her doll to some stranger unless guaranteed that the doll is kept safe and happy in future. The doll is always a confused candidate between the traders, being qually immature and kiddish, never understanding the future consequences. Inspite of this, its the doll who has to decide who can keep it well, the giver or the taker.

I have believed that TRUST is the soul of any relation. When trust is breached, nothing can help. The person who realises and steps off the path, tries to keep the trust alive even if he/she has to walk behind the two on the same path and is always ready to get back to his position with no hesitation!

PS: This post was inspired by someone who has meant for me more than myself!!

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