Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009 rewinded!

As the last day of the year begins, as the world gears up to say GOODBYE to 2009, I am drowned in the memories and experiences of one of the most exciting years of my life. The year 2009 began with lots of hopes, lots of plans waiting their turn to be executed, lots of new ideas and actions.

The Journey from Bangalore to US, year 2009. When in US, it was a different world altogether. Early days in US was all afresh, completely different culture, different accents, different weather with each simple thing proving to be a lesson. Studies were going on as usual, exams being cleared parallely, many FIRSTS happened. First day I cooked, First day I drove the car, First friendship, First day in a University Hospital, First Interview, First ID card, First Driver's license, First accident, First day in Gym, First Snow Fall and the list goes on. Sort of new life!!!

Many new paths were crossed and new relations developed. Realisations of the truth of old relations were made, some were lost n some were gained and few regained, silences were broken. Each hour has been an experience immemorial. As we are parting from 2009, the last year of the decade, the times of the year shall be cherished for life. The hopes were kept alive, plans were executed perfectly with few surprises here and there. The new year 2010 shall be welcomed with an array of new hopes and wishes. Hereby, wishing you all a Happy and a Prosperous New Year.


  1. Wish you a happy new year babby from sunitha and santhosh .

  2. good good...finally one person who is not cribbing about how life sucks etc.
    happy new year ...have fun :)
