Sunday, June 28, 2009

Kick the Negative thoughts!

Courtesy - My dear friend from Muscat. Well, this is a mail which I got and thought of worth putting it up in my blog after some refinement.

The way to overcome negative thoughts and destructive emotions is to develop opposing, positive emotions that are stronger and more powerful. - Dalai Lama.

Life could be so much better for many people, if they would just spot their negative thinking habits and replace them with positive ones.Negative thinking, in all its many-splendored forms, has a way of creeping into conversations and our thinking without our noticing them. The key to success, in my humble opinion, is learning to spot these thoughts and squash them like little bugs. Then replace them with positive ones. You'll notice a huge difference in everything you do. Let's take a look at 10 common ways that negative thinking emerges get good at spotting these patterns, and practice replacing them with positive thinking patterns. It has made all the difference in the world for me.

7 Deadly Sins of Negative Thinking

1. I will be happy once I have _____ (or once I earn X).

Problem: If you think you can't be happy until you reach a certain point, or until you reach a certain income, or have a certain type of house or car or computer setup, you'll never be happy. That elusive goal is always just out of reach. Once we reach those goals, we are not satisfied we want more.

Solution: Learn to be happy with what you have, where you are, and who you are, right at this moment. Happiness doesn't have to be some state that we want to get to eventually it can be found right now. Learn to count your blessings, and see the positive in your situation. This might sound simplistic, but it works.

2. I wish I were as ____ as (a celebrity, friend, co-worker).

Problem: We'll never be as pretty, as talented, as rich, as sculpted, as cool, as everyone else. There will always be someone better, if you look hard enough. Therefore, if we compare ourselves to others like this, we will always pale, and will always fail, and will always feel bad about ourselves. This is no way to be happy.

Solution: Stop comparing yourself to others, and look instead at yourself what are your strengths, your accomplishments, your successes, however small? What do you love about yourself? Learn to love who you are, right now, not who you want to become. There is good in each of us, love in each of us, and a wonderful human spirit in every one of us.

3. Seeing others becoming successful makes me jealous and resentful.

Problem: First, this assumes that only a small number of people can be successful. In truth, many, many people can be successful in different ways.

Solution: Learn to admire the success of others, and learn from it, and be happy for them, by empathizing with them and understanding what it must be like to be them. And then turn away from them, and look at yourself you can be successful too, in whatever you choose to do. And even more, you already are successful. Look not at those above you in the social ladder, but those below you there are always millions of people worse off than you, people who couldn't even read this article or afford a computer. In that light, you are a huge success.

4. I am a miserable failure. I can't seem to do anything right.

Problem: Everyone is a failure, if you look at it in certain ways. Everyone has failed, many times, at different things. I have certainly failed so many times I cannot count them and I continue to fail, daily. However, looking at your failures as failures only makes you feel bad about yourself. By thinking in this way, we will have a negative self-image and never move on from here.

Solution: See your successes and ignore your failures. Look back on your life, in the last month, or year, or 5 years. And try to remember your successes... If you have trouble with this, start documenting them keep a success journal, either in a notebook or online. Document your success each day, or each week. When you look back at what you've accomplished, over a year, you will be amazed. It's an incredibly positive feeling.

5. I'm going to beat so-and-so no matter what I'm better than him. And there's no way I'll help him succeed he might beat me.

Problem: Competitiveness assumes that there is a small amount of gold to be had, and I need to get it before he does. It makes us into greedy, back-stabbing, hurtful people. We try to claw our way over people to get to success, because of our competitive feelings. For example, if a blogger wants to have more subscribers than another blogger, he may never link to or mention that other blogger. However, who is to say that my subscribers can't also be yours? People can read and subscribe to more than one blog.

Solution: Learn to see success as something that can be shared, and learn that if we help each other out, we can each have a better chance to be successful. Two people working towards a common goal are better than two people trying to beat each other up to get to that goal. There is more than enough success to go around. Learn to think in terms of abundance rather than scarcity.

6. Damn it! Why do these bad things always happen to me?

Problem: Bad things happen to everybody. If we dwell on them, they will frustrate us and bring us down.

Solution: See bad things as a part of the ebb and flow of life. Suffering is a part of the human condition but it passes. All pain goes away, eventually. Meanwhile, don't let it hold you back. Don't dwell on bad things, but look forward towards something good in your future. And learn to take the bad things in stride, and learn from them. Bad things are actually opportunities to grow and learn and get stronger, in disguise.

7. I don't think I can do this I don't have enough discipline. Maybe some other time.

Problem: If you don't think you can do something, you probably won't. Especially for the big stuff. Discipline has nothing to do with it motivation and focus has everything to do with it. And if you put stuff off for “some other time”, you'll never get it done. Negative thinking like this inhibits us from accomplishing anything.

Solution: Turn your thinking around: you can do this! You don't need discipline. Find ways to make yourself a success at your goal.If you fail, learn from your mistakes, and try again. Instead of putting a goal off for later, start now. And focus on one goal at a time, putting all of your energy into it, and getting as much help from others as you can. You can really move mountains if you start with positive thinking


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Novel Review #1

I am not a very regular novel reader & this is not my first novel I read. But this is the first review I am writing here.
ROBIN COOK's "Foreign Body" - *** [3/5 stars]
Robin Cook proves yet again how can a thrilling novel be written keeping Medicine as the core subject. The novel also involves Indian Medical Tourism, which made me curious to read this novel. If you havenot read it, you have missed a holly-bollywood movie inspirable novel.

Ms. Jennifer Hernandez, a fourth year medical student at University of California at Los Angeles gets stunned when she watches news on CNN channel about the death of her grandmother during post-operative period. She dares to travel to India to deal with the dead body of her beloved grandmother only to reveal the darkest secret of the plot to destroy Medical Tourism in India. When she finds herself in the middle of the web of Indian Government & the Cruel Corporate world, the saviors are none other than Dr. Laurie Montgomery & Dr. Jack Stapleton, famous characters whom Robin Cook never forgets to mention.

The idea of killing people using succinyl choline overdosage is another interesting point which will always remind me of the hyperthermia/hyperkalemia/respiratory paralysis as its dreaded side effects. I would advise any medical student to read this novel. Interesting & Thrilling. I never imagined killing of an american girl in midst of Chandni Chowk Bazaar of India being mentioned in an English novel. Read it for a wonderful fusion of Indo-American fiction.

Ultimately, Dr. Hernandez ends up as a surgery resident in University of California @ LA:-)

Sort of inspiration;-)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Land Far Far Away

The Journey is still long and unpredictable to the "Land Far Far Away", a land of dreams, a land of passion, a land of destiny, a land of fascination, a land of satisfaction and My Destination.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Get ready for the blast

This is for the music lovers, especially for those who are in the city of Iowa City.

" The Jazz festival" is approaching soon. Most probably on July 3rd, 4th and 5th of year 2009 A.D. Hope I get an opportunity to enjoy it. I will put an update blog on that one.

This is an opportunity one wouldnot like to miss to experience the real American Music.

Meanwhile, this is a photo taken right in front of Old Capitol Mall in the downtown of Iowa City.

Beeeaaaaat d drumzzzzzzzzzzz:-)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Perfect one for the FATHER'S DAY

Well, this is one mail I got on this day of June 21st, Father's day. Courtesy - My dear Cousin Sister.
Very relavant and more than worth to put the same words in my blog. Hope you enjoy reading it and
realise something which we always tend to forget - We Humans!!!

This was narrated by an IAF pilot to IIT students during a Seminar on Human Relations:

My parents left for our native place on Thursday and we went to the airport to see them off. In fact, my father had never traveled by air before, so I just took this opportunity to make him experience the same. In spite of being asked to book tickets by train, I got them tickets on Jet Airways. The moment I handed over the tickets to him, he was surprised to see that I had booked them by air.. The excitement was very apparent on his face, waiting for the time of travel. Just like a school boy, he was preparing himself on that day and we all went to the airport, right from using the trolley for his luggage, the baggage check-in and asking for a window seat and waiting restlessly for the security check-in to happen. He was thoroughly enjoying himself and I, too, was overcome with joy watching him experience all these things.

As they were about to go in for the security check-in, he walked up to me with tears in his eyes and thanked me. He became very emotional and it was not as if I had done something great but the fact that this meant a great deal to him. When he said thanks, I told him there was no need to thank me. But later, thinking about the entire incident, I looked back at my life. As a child, how many dreams our parents have made come true.

Without understanding the financial situation, we ask for cricket bats, dresses, toys, outings, etc. Irrespective of their affordability, they have catered to all our needs. Did we ever think about the sacrifices they had to make to accommodate many of our wishes? Did we ever say thanks for all that they have done for us? Same way, today when it comes to our children, we always think that we should put them in a good school. Regardless of the amount of donation, we will ensure that we will have to give the child the best, theme parks, toys, etc. But we tend to forget that our parents have sacrificed a lot for our sake to see us happy, so it is our responsibility to ensure that their dreams are realized and what they failed to see when they were young. It is our responsibility to ensure that they experience all those and their life is complete.

Many times, when my parents had asked me some questions, I have actually answered back without patience. When my daughter asks me something, I have been very polite in answering. Now I realize how they would have felt at those moments. Let us realize that old age is a second childhood and just as we take care of our children, the same attention and same care needs to be given to our parents and elders. Rather than my dad saying thank you to me, I would want to say sorry for making him wait so long for this small dream. I do realize how much he has sacrificed for my sake and I will do my best to give the best possible attention to all their wishes.

Our parents. THEY ARE PRECIOUS. Lets try our best to make their dream come true:-)

Saturday, June 20, 2009


I had planned to stay for the whole of next day and then leave Udupi back to my native place. I just wanted to enjoy my day out there as that was supposed to be the last trip for me for year 2008. I got up early but things never go as we plan. The reason was we had never planned anything for the day:-)
Things were slow to begin with and by the time we had our breakfast, it was almost 12 pm! Then we concluded that we will go to Malpe beach and Manipal on that day. We got ready and left in the car towards Manipal. It was a short drive of about an hour. I was amazed the way to see the city had developed. Mostly filled up with the students [mostly NRI's & people of abroad] of Manipal university. But it was no way less compared to Bangalore. It was a step ahead indeed. I got the clue why I was not allowed to join medicine there inspite of the fact it was one of the best colleges in the state. Eventually I ended up doing medicine in "THE BEST" college, I am glad.
We reached Manipal End Point at 4 pm. The name is just so, but not a literal one. MEP is a place built up by the main person of Manipal, the one responsible for all the medical boom in Manipal. MEP is a sort of tourist spot in Manipal, an artificial one but surrounded by natural valley and forest. You cannot imagine how a place like MEP can be built! It contains all the possible outdoor grounds in India, right from cricket to football. It was refreshing to see people practicing their game. Also a huge park is made there, which I now realise is mostly inspired by one of these western parks in US, full of lawn with few bushy plants separating the ground. We spent much of our time in there enjoying the nature's beauty around. It is a very good place to visit and exercise:-)
We left MEP and reached Malpe beach by 6 pm. I insisted to see the sunset at Malpe beach. The beach is just like any other tourist beaches of India. There were plenty of people around playing games, swimming and enjoying the rest of beach stuff. We got the opportunity of watching sunset. I feel it is a great experience of nature you could every enjoy. Now my senior found herself drawn to the stalls at the beach where fresh sea food is available. We went there and selected a nice huge 'Baangde' & 'Anjal' fishes. We asked the stall keeper specifically to make a Rava Fry. It is one of the most spicy food you can have at coastal Karnataka. My senior was courtiuos enough to separate the fish bones for a fresh sea foody like me. Thats the main reason I was able to enjoy the hot spicy fish food. Then we were sad it got over so soon. It was already 8 pm and we decided to leave for our place back.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


The next day, it was my friend's marriage:-) I got up early that day and asked the details to my dear senior regarding the way to reach to the destination by name "Koteshwara", a small village like place in Udupi District. After a while at around 9:30 am, I found myself standing in the bus stop of Brahmavara. The day was getting warm as the summer had peaked up that time. I waited for some 15 minutes before I could get into an express bus towards Kundapur again, similar to the one I had got into the previous day. But now, it was broad daylight and I could make out the places very well. The bus was also crowded with people standing almost hugging to each other! I luckily had got a seat. Some time into the journey, I asked a guy sitting next to me guide me where to get down for Koteshwara. Then came a place called 'Kote'. My senior hadnot mentioned that! I thought thats the place and turned to ask that co-passenger of mine beside me, he was full asleep. I wondered how can people go into such a deep sleep in such short journey. It was merely some 40 minutes journey. Then, I asked a woman in the next seat about my doubt, she asked me if I am new to the place, told me not to get confused & my stop is still 15 minutes away. I was relieved that I didnot get down and again whole drama of waiting for bus would have begun.

When I had asked my friend about the place of marriage, she had told that its a small place with hardly 250 houses and I can just ask anybody who would guide me to the marriage hall. When I got down it Koteshwara, I asked about the hall & nobody knew. I had imagined that the place will have only one marriage hall, but no!!! Believe me, there were almost some 15 halls!!! Almost one in each road and for my fate, it was a day of 'Akshaya Tritiya', an auspicious day in India. I found almost all the halls hosting a marriage. After searching for some half an hour, I finally got the hall. As I entered it, there was the usual marriage stuff on. Many people gathered waiting for the bride and bridegroom to come up. I was happy to meet both of them personally before they got busy. The tradition of marriage was quite different from that of ours and also the bride's dress was unique for me. I also got a nice company there with my friend's cousin and one of my friend doing Dentistry in my own college.

After finishing the marriage, I was dropped to the bus stop to get back. I had had the luxurious traditional lunch of the coastal Karnataka. I got into the express bus towards Mangalore again and got down at a stop which I assumed to be that of Brahmavar. This time, it was a mistake. It was 2 stops before that of Brahmavar:-( It was 3 pm in the afternoon with the full angry sun on top. I regretted of getting down there and had to walk almost 4 km to reach my senior's house by 4 pm. I was full tired up. But at home, I was glad to meet & chat my senior's husband, an Orthopedician, who had come back from his duty. He had also taken the trouble of dropping me in the morning to the bus stop. Then, after a while we were joined by my senior who also came back from her workplace and we decided to have our dinner out at Udupi, a nice restaurant. As we started, my senior's sandals tore off and an opportunity for her to make her husband get her a brand new one:-) After shopping for the sandals at around 9pm, we went to a hotel [I donot remember the name of it] & had nice dinner, of course with good chicken and fish:-) By the time we returned, it was 12 pm and we were off to sleep soon.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Well, this is not any continuation of 'IN MEMORY LANE #4", its a different thread in my memory. It was a day when I came back to my native place after finishing my entire UG course and with no study tension in the brain. It was a time when 95% of my friends at college were busy packing to leave for our first attempt at AIIMS entrance for PG on may 6th of 2008. And guess what, I was planning to go to one of my good friend's marriage near Udupi. I was promised by Dr. BM that he would accompany me but I donot know why always I end up attending functions alone. So as soon I reached my native Shimoga in the early morning of 6th, I started to get ready to leave again to Mangalore. It was a journey of approximately 4 hours to Udupi & then I had to catch a connecting bus to Brahmavar where I was supposed to stay at one of my best friend cum senior's place. I had never been to the place, so was very curious. I went to the private bus stand in Shimoga to find a bus already right on to leave to Udupi. I peeped into it to see whether a seat is available or not. The conductor just pulled me into the bus and told that I will get a seat and I shouldn worry. The buses to Mangalore from Shimoga are usually mini buses to ply through the harsh curves of Agumbe Ghat. It was a dread summer and high temperatures of 35 to 40 degree celsius.
The bus was full of people. I somehow got a seat which was like putting me into some small box and compress. Overall it was a horrible journey. I vowed not to come again in such a bus except for returning. I was actually surprised to see Agumbe on the way as I never had bothered to check the route. The route was full of hair pin curves but it was worth travelling to see the valley while getting down from Agumbe towards Udupi. It was a long journey. I reached Udupi at some 8 pm in the night. I was completely new to the city and didn know where to go. I called up my senior at Brahmavar and asked the way to reach her house. She guided me to get into an express local bus which ply between Kundapur to Mangalore & to get down at a factory stop.
Luckily I found the bus already standing there ready to leave. I ran and got into it. The fare was some 10 rupees I think, not sure. I asked a fellow, who looked like a college student, to inform me where to get down. At last I got down at a stop, But due to the darkness around, apart form a 25 watt bulb at the stop and a Highway, I could see nothing apart from the darkness. It was like getting down in some haunted place! I switched on my mobile and was happy to have the network. I was quite relieved and called up my senior. She told me to walk on the highway to the opposite direction of the bus I came there & warned me to be safe on road as the vehicles there are in high speed. She informed me that I will find a complex on my right as I walk and her house is just opposite to the place. I walked for around 800 meters with a tint of fear in my heart:-) I was so happy to see the light at a far distance. I saw the time, it was already 9 pm. I went to the complex and called up again. Then my senior emerged from darkness on the opposite side of the highway.
I was so happy to see her. We went into the house. The house was situated some 20 feet from the highway and was covered around with small trees, the reason for me not able to see the house while walking down the highway. I rushed to get fresh as I was too hungry and wanted to have dinner as soon as possible. When I came back, I was pleased to see my senior cooking!! I had never seen her work in kitchen:-) Then I was served with hot rice and fish curry. Also there was one more curry. The smell of the curry was awesome, but it contained some white pieces just like that of raddish. I asked her what it is and was bit horrified to hear that they were prawns cut into pieces. I am basically a vegetarian who doesn mind having chicken once in a while. I took so long time to eat the fish separating the bone pieces carefully as I was not used to eating fish. Also I enjoyed the prawn curry after forgetting that its prawn:-)
My stomach was full and we chatted so much as we had met almost after some 6 months. Then, it was some 1:20 am when I started feeling sleepy and went off to sleep.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Iowa City Transit system

The Iowa City Bus Transit system is one appreciable thing I would like to describe in my blog. I personally think that almost all of the towns in US have such similar services.
There is a lot of difference between the system here and the system back in India. I am one person who has experience of struggling behind BMTC buses in Bangalore, Karnataka. I hope the people of India, most of them do realise the state. I know the situation will be worse in the metropolitan cities of India. But however worse it is, it is the cheap and best transport system available and without which the life in the city will come to a halt.
Now coming back to the Iowa City Bus transit system, the best part is they are very punctual. Hardly + or - 5 minutes maximum. They have their own time table which is made available for particular routes in the form of information sheets. Such sheets are available in all the buses and also at the downtown Old Capitol Mall and the Iowa City Transit Office. The charge for one way of the bus is 75 cents. One advantage we can take is 'TRANSFER', i.e., we can take a connecting bus to other place with no extra cost. It doesnot matter how far you travel, the price is same. There are also variety of passes available. Unlike in India, here passes are not bought to decrease the expense but to avoid the hassle of finding change daily. Also we can give dollar notes, but donot expect change!!
The photos I have added are that of the main transfer bus stop in the Iowa City Downtown.
The buses are well designed with fully automatic doors and automated ticket machine where we have to put money or our passes. The machine is beside the driver and he makes sure that everyone has the tickets or passes. If you need a transfer, ask the driver, they are very friendly and also guide the first time users. I too had asked for help first time. One thing I really admire is the patience of people here. However rush it may be, they form a common queue. I wonder when will our India be like that. Also here, for the disabled people on wheel chair, the driver makes the automatic steps to go down to the floor of the road so that they can easily come into the bus. Thats the main reason for even Old & disabled people to travel independently.
I was also amazed to learn that if we pull the string on the side running over the windows, it meant to request for a stop. The string runs right from front to the back seat. If you pull it, the driver stops the bus at the immediate next bus stop. He makes sure that everyone got down safely by just looking in the rear view mirror. There is also space for people to keep huge things like trolley, wheel chair etc., in the front where the seats are foldable.
The only minus point of the service is its not there on sunday! So for people like me with no vehicle, its very difficult to go around on sunday. I hope it starts some time soon.
Otherwise, the buses are well maintained and also pollution free. I just end up admiring the service whenever I happen to travel by the bus of Iowa City Transit system!
I know that BMTC can never be punctual because of the traffic in Bangalore. But I do appreciate the good work in its development by including various category buses into the service and making travel in Bangalore possible.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

ZOO around my place

I had never imagined US to be a place where I can have such a wonderful environment around me.
At my place, which is a very small city in US, there is plenty of greenery around.
And where there is greenery, we find amazing animals. Nowadays we never see a sparrow in India as we used to some 10 years back. But here, there are plenty.

Also I see plenty of squirrels. The squirrels here are so many, playing with each other. They are not as the small ones we see in India. They are really huge & healthy to look at.

I also see the eagles on
ce in a while flying high in the sky. They are so awsome with their huge wings. I will try to take a proper picture next time and post it here.

We can also see many many wild rabbits here. The big brown ones. They are not harmful. They tend to run off as soon they see any humans coming near them.
I had mentioned in my 'chicago-the windy city', that I happened to see 3 deers on road when coming back. But I have not seen them again... Hope to see them soon... I even saw a bigh mongoose one day!!! Also many other animals and birds around here... Hope to capture them with my camera:-D

Monday, June 8, 2009

Columbus Zoo

I would like to thank my dear friend who sent me the following snaps of the zoo at Columbus, OHIO, of course with no copyrights:-) So am adding these wonderful snaps for all of you.......To enlarge them just click on them.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Iowa City Art Festival #2

At the fest, I saw a stall with lots of people crowded around. It made me curious enough to go and have a look at whats special there! I saw a cute little boy of around 5 sitting on a table with lot of cartoon portraits around. Then I saw a person sitting in front of him on a chair with plenty of colors and painting materials. I realised that the boy was there to get his cartoon portrait. It was 10$ for black and white and 15 $ for colored. I donot think its anything high as its a rare opportunity to get such an opportunity to get our own cartoon done!!!

After being there till the boy's cartoon was done, I went to the opposite side of the fest where a large stage was made up with many people sitting in front of it in an area assigned. I got to know that we ought to get our own chairs to sit! They were still preparing for the rock concert for the night.

Then I couldnot wait anylonger to have something to eat. There were all types of food stalls too:-) Right from Chinese to American, Italian to Mexican, Indian to Australian!! I just couldnot decide what to eat. The best thing at the end of the day is a nice ice cream. I went a Cold Stone Ice Cream stall and asked for a cone ice cream with flavor called as 'Orel Overload' It was so tasty, I wanted to have many more:-(

I took the ice cream and strolled around looking for a place to sit when I heard full band music at the other end. I rushed to see whats going on there. They were a group of musicians with weird clothes on & playing the different instruments and also few were singers. They were best at entertaining people .
Then there was place to sit there too. The people were dancing around and cheering the musicians asking for more. I had a double treat there, Ice cream & music.

Overall a wonderful experience of "Art Festival Of City of Iowa City":-)

Iowa City Arts Festival #1

Hi all!!! Welcome to the blog experience of Iowa City arts festival. I am splitting up this article into 2 parts so that it doesnot become one lengthy stuff again. I was lucky enough to be here in the city of Iowa City during the fest. It was there on 5th, 6th & 7th of June 2009. The fest was all about art. Painting, sculptures, music, singing, dancing, jewellery, making useful stuff from
waste materials & what all can you imagine under the heading of ARTS:-) But the one which got the 1st place involved making of sculptures. Somehow it automatically drew my attention. I have added the snaps of the sculptures along with the artist.
Its rare to see so many people at one place in Iowa City & obviously the best opportunity to see people of different origin & culture. The fest had more than 200 stalls with various artists displaying their art. Ofcourse, there was sale.
One person I met with was Ms. Kareen Cooper. I had read her blog wherein she had displayed few of classic painitings. I recognised her by the displayed art there and had an opportunity to speak with her about the paintings. It mostly involved the things which can be usually seen in Iowa City Downtown.

Here the dogs which are kept as pets are given the highest priority. They are valued above humans. The cutest frame I could find as I passed amidst the crowd was the following one:-)

As I told, there was music too. I could hear the soothing music from the far end of the stall series. Two people were playing different instruments, one after the other just pulling the crowd around.

I will continue the rest in 'Iowa City Arts Festival #2'

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Well, this may sound funny but the communication access, I mean the telephone service is very complicated in US than in India. In India, everything is so cheap and getting a phone or connection is a very easy work. But in US, We should be able to afford to call up using the mobile. Its very surprising that even the incoming call costs for a mobile. I hate it. I used to use my pretty mobile [I miss it so much] like anything. I used to send atleast some 1500 messages in a month and almost more than 600 minutes of call every month. And the money costed was hardly Rs. 300 [6$]. Here it is as if someone has cut off my right hand. Even though I have my mobile, I have to think 100 times before I use it as it costs 1$ [Rs. 50 approx] per day if I use the phone and over that again 10 cents [Rs 5] per minute both for incoming and outgoing. It may sound funny for people who live in US and are earning but for a person like me who is yet to build up a career and start earning, its a serious issue. I cant speak to my people back home as and when I want. We had a hard time to inform back in India that we landed safely in US as it is hard to find a public phone here and if found, allows only short distance calls. Those, which allow long distance and international calls ask for too much fee. The calling cards are avialable which offer cheap prices to call up. But to call up, you need a phone:-) I think what it costs in India to call up US [around Rs. 6.40 per minute from a mobile] is much much affordable when you compare. Of course I do agree that I am committing a serious mistake by converting US Dollars to Indian Rupees. But for new people who come to US searching for a splendid career, life is not so easy here, unless you have plenty of money to spend. This is only a minor issue of a hell lot of problems for people who come here and have to settle down first. Forget any other currency, its only US $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Thursday, June 4, 2009


As I mentioned in #3, we left for our next destination, 'Namada Chilume'. Though the ride to there from Devarayanadurga was short, it was a splendid one. Dr. BM continued with his Hayabusa style, riding at 80kmph on Kinetic Honda. The place, when we reached, was almost to close. It was around 5 pm in the evening. So we decided to have a short walk around there. It is a forest like place with some small structures in between. There was a small [around 10 x 10 sq inches] well like depression in a rock. The following paragraph and the snap are from wikipedia as I couldnot find the photo of the spot in my collection:
It is believed that Lord Shri Rama, along with Sita & Laxman, stayed here during their Vanavas. Lord Shri Rama searched for water to apply Tilak/Nama [Material is prepared by mixing water with sandalwood] to his forhead. When he couldnot find any water, he shot an arrow aiming at the rock. The arrow penetrated the rock and water came out!!!

The place was fine with plenty of trees around and also a big rock within its limits. The view of that rock against sunlight was awesome. I wanted to add more snaps but I think my blog will just become an album then. Clock was ticking, time was 6 pm. We planned to go to Siddagange mutt before reaching our houses. The distance was a mere around 25 to 35 km. I donot remember exactly. But after a ride of some 15 km, Our Dr. BM's Hayabusa became No-use vehicle. The kick got jammed and luckily atleast the wheels were moving. We didnot know what to do. All got busy scolding Dr. BM for his fault overstressing the vehicle. Then it was Dr. MC & Dr. M who planned how to get the vehicle to the city. Dr. MC sitting behind Dr. M on their Hero Honda Passion, pushed the Kinetic Honda with his leg!!!! And of course, Dr. BM was sitting on Kinetic Honda. I hope you got the picture. I understand its confusing. Somehow they managed to do it for the rest of the journey to leave the 'Paapa' [poor] vehicle to the garage. Even after all this, there was a brillant usual bright evergreen smile on face of Dr. BM :-D

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


As mentioned in #2, We were resting in the area in front of the temple. One of our friend, Dr.RJ, was in josh to climb up the hill. So he ordered all of us lazy guys to get up and move on. Getting inspired by him, we all got up and walked towards the path [there was no path infact!!!] We just made our own path and followed each other. The Tumkuris [I call the Tumkur native people with that nick name], were always telling that its an old place for them and they have come there over a hundred times. So we just followed their instructions. It was tidious path with all the thorn filled plants and bushes around. There were sharp stones and few rocks around & we great people were in sandals to do that trekking. Finally we reached the spot. It was a fantastic view from there. There was also a small temple like structure at the top of the hill. Most of my friends even climbed on top of it and were shouting as if we have conquered the world. From the top we can see many huge rocks around which form the typical hills around Tumkur. We also had company on top of the hill with our own ancestors:-) One of our dear friend, Dr. UDS, even went and sat on the rock which formed one side end of the hill top and there was no base to that rock below apart from a small support. Its very dangerous to go and act like a monkey at such place. I was shouting to them to be safe and cautious.

After having some fun time there, we started to go back to our vehicles. There was an atypical rock on the way which was very much similar to a snake's hood. We had an opportunity to sit under its shelter and take a quick snap. The decent from the top was rapid.

We never had bothered to look at our watch all this time, it was already some 4 pm!!!! We decided to leave for our next place, 'Namada Chilume' [Hope I have spelt it right].