Saturday, June 13, 2009

Iowa City Transit system

The Iowa City Bus Transit system is one appreciable thing I would like to describe in my blog. I personally think that almost all of the towns in US have such similar services.
There is a lot of difference between the system here and the system back in India. I am one person who has experience of struggling behind BMTC buses in Bangalore, Karnataka. I hope the people of India, most of them do realise the state. I know the situation will be worse in the metropolitan cities of India. But however worse it is, it is the cheap and best transport system available and without which the life in the city will come to a halt.
Now coming back to the Iowa City Bus transit system, the best part is they are very punctual. Hardly + or - 5 minutes maximum. They have their own time table which is made available for particular routes in the form of information sheets. Such sheets are available in all the buses and also at the downtown Old Capitol Mall and the Iowa City Transit Office. The charge for one way of the bus is 75 cents. One advantage we can take is 'TRANSFER', i.e., we can take a connecting bus to other place with no extra cost. It doesnot matter how far you travel, the price is same. There are also variety of passes available. Unlike in India, here passes are not bought to decrease the expense but to avoid the hassle of finding change daily. Also we can give dollar notes, but donot expect change!!
The photos I have added are that of the main transfer bus stop in the Iowa City Downtown.
The buses are well designed with fully automatic doors and automated ticket machine where we have to put money or our passes. The machine is beside the driver and he makes sure that everyone has the tickets or passes. If you need a transfer, ask the driver, they are very friendly and also guide the first time users. I too had asked for help first time. One thing I really admire is the patience of people here. However rush it may be, they form a common queue. I wonder when will our India be like that. Also here, for the disabled people on wheel chair, the driver makes the automatic steps to go down to the floor of the road so that they can easily come into the bus. Thats the main reason for even Old & disabled people to travel independently.
I was also amazed to learn that if we pull the string on the side running over the windows, it meant to request for a stop. The string runs right from front to the back seat. If you pull it, the driver stops the bus at the immediate next bus stop. He makes sure that everyone got down safely by just looking in the rear view mirror. There is also space for people to keep huge things like trolley, wheel chair etc., in the front where the seats are foldable.
The only minus point of the service is its not there on sunday! So for people like me with no vehicle, its very difficult to go around on sunday. I hope it starts some time soon.
Otherwise, the buses are well maintained and also pollution free. I just end up admiring the service whenever I happen to travel by the bus of Iowa City Transit system!
I know that BMTC can never be punctual because of the traffic in Bangalore. But I do appreciate the good work in its development by including various category buses into the service and making travel in Bangalore possible.

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